Sea Port is helping lead the way to the next Green Revolution
The land based Green Revolution that
was championed by Norman
Borlaug in the 1960s is credited with saving over a billion people from
starvation by developing robust high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice that
when augmented with the application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and
modern growing practices enabled the production in the developing countries of
Asia to more
than double!
I can still remember as a kid in the ‘60s when my parents
would say, “Eat all that food on your plate, people in China are starving!” For
those of you who also grew up in that era, you most likely heard similar
parental chiding and you may have even responded with the same smart-alecky
retort I used. However, now that I am
older and hopefully more mature, I am simply astounded how significant the Green
Revolution was in the course of modern history.
The terrible scourge of starvation was dramatically reduced. In addition to this, the resulting increased
state of food security enabled the world population to grow quickly from 3 billion in 1960
to the present day 7 billion.
This land based Green Revolution however is far from over
and is poised to get some major boosts from a variety new agritech achievements
such as super
rice varieties. While this is
certainly comforting news as our population expands toward 10 billion by the
year 2050, an emerging new type of Green Revolution may become even more
significant for humanity going forward:
Seaweed and
microalgae aquaculture !
A host of possible
benefits from this new type of Green Revolution based on algae:
reduction of ocean acidification
reduced need for feed inputs to grow the seaweed
and algae
providing a protein and omega 3 feed
source for finfish and crustacean aquaculture and land livestock
Sea Port is constantly
anticipating and strategizing in order to both drive and adapt to changes in
our dynamic seafood industry. One way we
are driving positive change is by promoting our Seasoned Seaweed
Salad. Please get on board with us
and do your part to help make this new Green Revolution become a reality
quicker by simply adding seaweed to your
seafood choices.
I would love to hear your comments..............................Sincerely, Dave Glaubke