Monday, July 28, 2014

To:  The United States Environmental Protection Agency

RE:  Protecting the Bristol Bay Watershed in Alaska

Sea Port supports the recent Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to protect the Bristol Bay watershed in Alaska from the activities of the proposed open pit Pebble Mine.

Last year Sea Port submitted comments urging the EPA to use its authority under the Clean Water Act to prohibit mining activities in this watershed to protect its unique and abundant natural salmon runs.  We are pleased that the EPA subsequently used the best available science to conclude that the negative economic, environmental, and social impacts of large-scale open pit mining activities far outweigh any benefits.  We applaud the EPA’s conclusion that the abundant renewable fishery resources stemming from the pristine productive capacity of the Bristol Bay watershed accrue much greater long-term benefits for both present and future generations of Alaskans and our nation.

While Sea Port concurs with the EPA’s assessment, we would like to augment it by voicing our concerns that there may be negative unintended consequences that could occur internationally if major mining activities are allowed to proceed in the Bristol Bay watershed:

  • Alaska and our national fishery management practices are currently internationally recognized as the best for sustainably managing wild fishery stocks.  Allowing the Pebble mining activities could severely tarnish this reputation and undermine our credibility in this regard.

  • Allowing the Pebble Mine could send the message to the world that the negative impacts due to nonrenewable mineral extraction are preferable over safeguarding renewable wild fisheries for future generations.

  • Developing nations with vast mineral and wild fishery resources may conclude that if Alaska and the United States can choose very lucrative but short-term mining benefits over the long-term benefits of productive wild food resources, then it must be acceptable for them to do likewise.

For years, both Alaska and our nation, through the efforts of NOAA, have actively promoted and taught the best responsible fishery management practices to the rest of the world.  Let us not now be guilty of that old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Sea Port respectfully requests that the EPA remain resolute and confident in their conclusion that large-scale mining activities are not appropriate in the Bristol Bay watershed of Alaska.  U.S. Senator Mark Begich from Alaska succinctly expresses our viewpoint, “Wrong mine, wrong place, too big.”

Sincerely yours,

David Glaubke, Directory of Sustainability Initiatives

Sea Port Products Corporation
Support the World’s Small Family Shrimp Farmers that are not yet certified

Seafood Watch lists BAP 2-Star, Naturland, and ASC certified farmed shrimp as “Good Alternatives”.
This recent consumer advisory rating by the Monterey Bay Aquarium is a very positive milestone for worldwide shrimp farmers as they continue to improve their sustainable aquaculture practices.

However, there is a concern, over 80% of the global shrimp growers consist of small family farms that are not yet certified under any of these sustainability schemes.  If consumers, chefs, retailers, and wholesalers all of a sudden start to refuse to purchase non-certified farmed shrimp, then these small family shrimp farmers may struggle to survive. The financial, logistical, and technical constraints are just too daunting for the small family shrimp farmer to quickly gain certification under any one of these aforementioned sustainability schemes. 

The proper course of action is to wholeheartedly embrace and celebrate the advent of certified farmed shrimp while concurrently supporting the vast majority of the shrimp producers who are small family farmers that currently lack such certifications.  It is incumbent that we understand that the sustainability advancements needed by the small family shrimp farmer will take time and that they need our encouragement and support.  The best way we can show support is to consume their shrimp even though they have not yet achieved certification.
On a global basis, actions to improve aquaculture practices at family shrimp farms are currently being initiated by independent groups outside of any formal certification scheme.  An example of this recently happened on the Philippine island of Mindanao.  In addition, just recently, the Global Aquaculture Alliance has acknowledged the need to embrace the small family shrimp farmers of the world and has instituted a collaborative program to offer groups of farmers, who share the same watersheds or aquifers, a more economical path to certification.  

Small family farms that produce traditional terrestrial crops and livestock as well as those engaged in aquaculture such as shrimp, play major roles in promoting global food security, economic opportunity, agro-biodiversity, and the stewardship of our natural environment. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in designating 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming stated, “Family farmers hold the unique potential to move towards more productive and sustainable food systems if policy environments support them in this path.”

Please do your part in supporting the family shrimp farmers by continuing to eat their production.  This will help assure their financial survival as they continue to improve their sustainable aquaculture practices.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Update:  Sea Port and the Seafood Nutrition Partnership continue to work together to increase the U.S. per capita consumption of seafood

Sea Port attended a Seafood Nutrition Partnership  meeting called by their Executive Director, Linda Cornish, which took place recently in Seattle, Washington.  Sea Port was part of a diverse group of seafood companies, fishing companies, universities, federal fishery managers, and powerful philanthropic foundations who shared the common  goal to convince American consumers to eat a diverse variety of seafood at least two times a week.

At the meeting, the best available science on the health benefits of eating seafood at a minimum of twice a week  was reviewed.  The science showed that at such a consumption level, the health of newborns, children, young adults, and senior citizens would be greatly enhanced.

Currently our per capita consumption of seafood is approximately 14.4 pounds, which is roughy half the recommended consumption level.  If we followed the advice of our USDA and FDA to eat seafood twice a week, we could quickly increase that level to over 20#/year!  Such a modification in our diets would produce profound positive health benefits for our nation.

Meeting highlights:

·         Sea Port suggested that an Ad campaign be initiated that would coin a phrase such as  “20 by 20”, “Seafood 20/20”, or “20 by 2020” that would be used as the rallying cry to advance the U.S. per capita consumption of seafood to 20 pounds by the year 2020

·         Others mentioned that the fearfulness and lack of knowledge about how to cook seafood needs to be addressed with heightened educational efforts

·         It was also mentioned that 75% of seafood is consumed at the restaurant/foodservice level and that we need to work even harder with this food sector to drive increased consumption

·         Others mentioned that increasing sustainable seafood consumption actually increases the health of our environment and that this should be emphasized  as part of the campaign

The passion about the health benefits of seafood ran thick throughout the meeting.  This passion was especially evident with two of the more high profile attendees, former NBA star Detlef Schrempf and Captain Keith Colburn from the “Deadliest Catch”.

Please leave any suggestions you may have on how we can all better work together to increase our seafood consumption.   We would love to hear from you.

Sincerely, Dave Glaubke