Wednesday, September 14, 2016

NFI Launches “Dish on Fish” Social Media Channels to Promote Seafood Consumption

Please visit these social media channels to help drive seafood consumption:
1.        Dish on Fish Blog
2.        Dish on Fish Facebook Page
3.        Dish on Fish Pinterest
4.        Dish on Fish Twitter

Sea Port enthusiastically encourages all customers, suppliers, and consumers to promote these NFI (National Fisheries Institute) social media channels to assist in promoting the consumption of seafood in the U.S. to at least 2 servings per week as recommended by the United States Dietary GuidelinesUnfortunately, only 1 in 10 Americans follow this seafood consumption guideline.  We certainly have our promotional work cut out for us!

Sea Port believes that by consuming responsibly produced and sustainable seafood from both wild fisheries and aquaculture, we will advance our personal health and the environmental stewardship of our beautiful blue planet.  Let’s all join in and act boldly to collectively spread the health and environmental benefits of eating more seafood.  By acting together we will definitely make a positive difference going forward.

David Glaubke
Director of Sustainability Initiatives