Traceability Advances
Sea Port’s Go Blue!® Seafood Sustainability Goal for Wild Caught and Farm
Raised Seafood
Update as of 12-06-16: Our “Traceability
Declaration” requirement will now directly address Child Labor, Forced Labor,
and other forms of Unfair Labor Practices within all the related supply chains
associated with the production of wild caught and farm raised seafood.
Our unending corporate goal at Sea Port to advance all
our seafood items towards becoming more environmentally and socioeconomically
sustainable is embodied in our Go Blue!®
Seafood Sustainability Spectrum. Advancing
this goal, however, can only be accomplished when every seafood item is fully
traceable back to its wild caught or farmed source.
To this end, Sea Port has further improved our enhanced
“Traceability Declaration” requirement (initiated in 2012) to now directly
address our suppliers’ knowledge of any existing Child Labor, Forced Labor, and
other forms of Unfair Labor Practices within their supply chains.
Please note below (shown in red) the new requirements added to our
‘Traceability Declaration” for both wild caught and farm raised seafood items.
Traceability Declaration for
Wild Caught Seafood
Species and common name of product
Identifying Processor, Brokers, Buying Station,
Auction Market, Vessel(s)
Catch Method(s), Catch Area (FAO#,etc.), Catch
Supplier warrants and guarantees that it has complied with all forced labor rules under Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. § 1307), including but not limited to the full prohibition on merchandise that has been mined, produced, or manufactured, wholly or in part, at any stage in the supply chain by forced labor, including prison labor and forced or indentured child labor.
Yes ? No ?
If no, then Sea Port cannot proceed with this purchase.
Yes ? No ?
If no, then Sea Port cannot proceed with this purchase.
Declaration for Farmed Raised Seafood
Species and common name of product
Identifying Processor, Brokers, Buying Station,
Auction Market, Farm(s)
Aquaculture Method(s) (extensive-intensive, pen,
cage, etc.), Farm location, Harvest Date(s)
Supplier warrants and guarantees that it has complied with all forced labor rules under Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. § 1307), including but not limited to the full prohibition on merchandise that has been mined, produced, or manufactured, wholly or in part, at any stage in the supply chain by forced labor, including prison labor and forced or indentured child labor.
Yes ? No ?
If no, then Sea Port cannot proceed with this purchase.
Yes ? No ?
If no, then Sea Port cannot proceed with this purchase.
Our commitment to constantly
advance seafood sustainability will be greatly enhanced by this new Fair Labor
addition to our “Traceability Declaration” requirement of our suppliers for
both wild and farm raised seafood.
Go Blue! For Our
Environment • For Our
Health • For