Wednesday, April 29, 2015

To help preserve our wild oceans, modern aquaculture will continue its transition away from using marine fishmeal and fish oil as feed ingredients.
Environmentalists have long championed safeguarding our natural marine living resources from the damages caused by our relentless efforts to feed our growing world population.  They do not ever want to see our oceans succumb to what our lands have become where wild animal and plant populations can no longer provide us with food and where we have become critically dependent upon a very limited variety of domesticated plants and animals for our survival.

Simply put, environmentalists want to preserve the diverse wild state of our oceans that truly represent Earth’s last remaining great natural ecosystems that can provide significant quantities of wild foods for our continued survival.

However, wild marine fisheries are maxed out and can only supply about 50% of our current seafood needs.  Aquaculture currently supplies the other 50% and will be responsible for satisfying all of our future needs as our population explodes to 10 billion people by the year 2050.

To meet the world’s future seafood demands, the aquaculture industry will need to assure that there is a constantly growing supply of environmentally sustainable feed ingredients to fuel its ever-expanding growth.  Over 70% of our farmed seafood is currently dependent upon artificial feed formulations.  Without the constantly increasing availability of aquacultural feeds, our global system of farming our most favorite seafoods such as salmon, shrimp, tilapia, and pangasius will collapse.

Aquaculture today still depends upon fishmeal and fish oil rendered from wild marine forage fisheries such as anchovies, menhaden, and Antarctic krill to help satisfy its need for suitable nutritional feeds.  Ever since aquaculture production exploded worldwide in the eighties, environmentalists have voiced their concerns about whether it makes sense to feed wild fish to farmed fish.  For many years the aquaculture feed industry has been confronting this concern by continually striving to reduce its use of wild sourced marine fishmeal and fish oil.

Here is a look at the progress made so far and to what the future may hold:

1. Starting in the early nineties and continuing to today, the aquaculture feed industry started reducing the amount of  fishmeal  and fish oil by substituting sources from livestock byproducts (e.g. Chicken bones, feathers, scraps), grains such as soybeans, and by recovering trimmings from seafood processing and even lately, adding omega 3 fatty acids from GMO yeasts!  Since the nineties, the use of marine derived fishmeal and fish oil has generally been reduced by 60-70%.

2. Looking forward, rapidly developing feed technologies harnessing the ability of microbes, algae, and even insects to provide high quality proteins and fatty acids will further help reduce the amount of wild fish ingredients used in aquacultural feed formulations.

Conclusions:  The initial concerns of environmentalists about feeding wild fish to farmed fish are steadily fading away as new feed technologies advance to assure aquaculture can continue its explosive growth fueled by environmentally sustainable feed sources.  Aquaculture is certainly doing its part in helping to preserve our wild oceans;  Earth’s last great natural ecosystems that still have the remarkable ability to provide us with bountiful wild foods.

Go Blue! For Our Environment – For Sustainability – For Our Health

David Glaubke, Director of Sustainability Initiatives
Sea Port Products Corp.  

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