The Sea Port Crew Helps Celebrate October
National Seafood Month by Taking the Healthy Heart Pledge to Improve Their
Omega-3 Levels
To help celebrate October National
Seafood Month, Sea Port employees
have taken the Healthy Heart Pledge sponsored by the Seafood Nutrition Partnership and
have submitted their Omega-3 Index test kits
that measure the two omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in their red blood cells.
If the Omega-3 tests reveal low index levels, those Sea Port
employees will commit to eating seafood at least twice a week for four months. After 4 months, they will re-take the Omega-3
index test to determine if they have succeeded in raising their Omega-3 levels.
Please join us in celebrating the amazing and unique health
benefits of seafood by taking the Healthy Heart Pledge and by ordering
your Omega-3 Index test kit today.
Your commitment to eat seafood at least twice a week and to
discover your Omega-3 Index will go a long way toward improving and ensuring
your personal cardiovascular health!
Go Blue ! – For
Our Health – For Our Environment – For Sustainability
Sincerely, Dave Glaubke, Sea
Port’s Director of Sustainability Initiatives